
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Walking the Finn

Erin told me my recent blog posts have been a bit of a downer. I guess they have, but it's hard to give divorce a light-hearted spin, so I told her "if you don't like the blog then why don't you just MOVE OUT??". Hahahahahahahaha!! Ha?

Let me try that again.

My Mondays have been more exciting than ever. When I'm not scheduled to volunteer at Liam's school I drop him off and spend my Monday morning out on the town with Baby Finn. His needs are so simple: Feed me and let me run. He's a puppy in a diaper.

We usually go out for coffee and scones, then I let him loose on the downtown square. People travel hundreds of miles just to wander aimlessly around the Healdsburg Downtown Square and it's easy to see why. It's picturesque as fuck.

Finn is great. He's a bit of a 'bolter' but it's okay because he faceplants about every ten steps so it's easy to keep up, and inexplicably he can only make left turns so it's easy to anticipate his next move. He giggles at every visitor that passes with his little cooing laugh that's sweet and melts the hearts of even the most hungover tourists, but he also points at their little inbred manicured rat-dogs and calls them "kitty" which makes me beam with pride.

"No no dear. That's a doggie", they'll correct him.

"Is it? Is it really?" I ask myself. I think not.

When he does get away from me and I have to do the dash and grab, I get a lot of sympathetic "looks like you've got your hands full" type comments. I do, that's for sure. People have been reassuring me that it gets so much easier when they're both in school and I can have half the day all to myself, but I can't say I'm necessarily looking forward to 'easier'.

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